Four Ways Systemic Enzymes Can Increase Our Body's Functionality
As we age there are many factors that can contribute to our body’s loss of optimal functionality. One of those factors is that our natural enzyme production decreases over time which can impact our digestion, circulation and fibrin control. When enzyme levels are lower, we can experience a variety of symptoms including fatigue and discomfort, delayed healing after exercise and fibrin buildup which can increase the risk of heart issues. Therefore, it’s recommended that we supplement our bodies with these powerful enzymes to replace the loss we experience with age.
Below are four ways systemic enzymes can increase our body’s functionality:
Cleanses the blood While our bloodstream is considered the “river of life”, it is also where cells and organs dispose of garbage and dead material. Our bodies naturally produce a sticky and thick protein called fibrin. Fibrin is responsible for scar tissue formation and is produced in reaction to injury. Our bodies naturally maintain optimal fibrin levels with enzymes, but as fibrin builds up in the body, it can cause many unhealthy conditions. Systemic enzymes can be taken to clean excess fibrin from the blood, lessening the stickiness of blood cells and ultimately reducing the chance of blood clots which can lead to heart issues.
Serves as an anti-inflammatory Often when people are experiencing limited joint mobility, discomfort or limited range of motion, they will turn to joint supplements that may temporarily help, but they are simply a band-aid. With advancing age, healthy joint mobility and comfort become exceedingly more important. Experts recommend taking systemic enzymes to support tissue repair as well as to help decrease inflammation in the body.
Boosts immune system The immune system is a network of cells, tissue, organs and proteins that help the body fight off infection and other illnesses. One way the immune system protects the body is by producing antibodies in response to antigens – which are mainly bacteria and viruses. Antibodies can deactivate antigens, but when doing so, they create proteins in the bloodstream called immune complexes. Over time, immune complexes can build up, causing negative immune reactions in the tissue and joints. Systemic enzymes break down these proteins, supporting the body’s natural repair processes and boosting our immune system.
Aids in lung health Those with chronic lung conditions may be experiencing damage to the air sacs and tissue between cells of the lungs, causing inflammation and scar tissue to develop. As this scar tissue builds up in the lungs it eventually causes the soft, permeable tissue to become hard and thick, which makes breathing extremely challenging. Tests have shown that taking systemic enzymes will help break down the fibrin that causes the scarring in your lungs which makes breathing easier.
While aging is unavoidable, the symptoms associated with aging don’t have to be. Systemic enzymes are necessary to replace the enzymes we lose as we age to ensure proper digestion and circulation, reduced inflammation and to alleviate joint discomfort. Consult with your healthcare provider to learn more.
Bio: Justin Marsh is the Founder and CEO of Arthur Andrew Medical, a leading manufacturer of enzyme and probiotic-based dietary supplements headquartered in Scottsdale.