Improve Your Body’s Response to Stress with Nutritional Supplements

Stress is a natural part of life that cannot be avoided and with the current stay-at-home orders as well as the growing number of furloughed individuals, it may be even harder to keep stress levels low. However, it is important to find ways to actively address worry, fear, anxiety, and frustration in order to maintain good health. Chronic stress can weaken the immune system, lead to mood changes and trouble regulating emotions, and it can even cause digestive problems; however, the right type of supplementation can help target these types of issues [1, 2].  

For instance, ingredients in Femesse, Syntol Kids, and Fibrovera such as selenium, magnesium, and zinc, all have anti-stress properties [2]. Indeed, selenium helps ease stress by functioning as an antioxidant that targets toxins and harmful proteins that can damage brain cells [1, 2]. It also influences the activity of chemicals in the brain such as serotonin, dopamine, and adrenaline; all of which play a role in emotion control and stress response [2].  

Similarly, magnesium supports healthy central nervous system (CNS) function, influences the transfer of brain signals, and supports mental processes such as learning and memory. Research shows that low levels of magnesium are linked to increased anxiety [8]. According to research, specific regions of the brain also need sufficient amounts of zinc to effectively target stress, anxiety, and even depression [2]. Yes, adding scientifically-formulated supplements with these types of nutrients to your regular diet can support an optimal mood, even when you’re faced with situations that cause stress or anxiety.

In addition to powerful minerals, healthy bacteria, such as the probiotics in Syntol and Devigest are also described as anti-anxiety agents that heighten mood, promote nutrient transport, and improve the body's stress response [9, 10]. Probiotics also influence the transfer of signals between the brain and the gut [9]. It is important to consume nutrients that support the health of the brain and the digestive tract because stressful situations (e.g., stay-at-home orders) can lead to digestive issues by reducing the level of healthy bacteria in the gut as well as the body's production of digestive enzymes. Accordingly, the digestive enzymes in Neprinol, Aminolase, and Fibrovera promote optimal levels of key enzymes and this lessens fatigue, sleep disturbances, and mood changes that may develop due to digestion problems [11].

In addition to supplying your body with the right nutrients, research shows that it is important to get regular exercise as this can help lessen stress, while enhancing memory function [3, 4]. Exercising provides these health benefits by increasing the activity of mental performance, energy-increasing, and mood-enhancing neurotransmitters (chemicals in the brain) such as dopamine and adrenaline [5, 6]. Vigorous exercise also stimulates the release of endorphins, which are hormones that improve mood [6]. In addition to boosting neurotransmitter and endorphin levels, exercise improves the brain’s ability to maintain mental stability in response to emotional distress [7]. Fortunately, as little as 30 minutes of vigorous activity is all it takes to help improve your resistance to stress and the combination of regular exercise with a powerful blend of potent nutrients further enhances these benefits, heightening the body’s natural ability to cope with tough situations.


  1. Benton D, Cook R. The impact of selenium supplementation on mood. Psychiatry. 1991;29(11):1092-8.
  2. Wang J, Um P, et al. Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium and Depression: A Review of the Evidence, Potential Mechanisms and Implications. Nutrients. 2018;10(5): 584.
  3. Smith JC, Nielson KA, Woodard JL, Seidenberg M, Durgerian S, Antuono P, Butts A, Hantke N, Rao SM. Interactive effects of physical activity and APOE-ε4 on BOLD semantic memory activation in healthy elders. NeuroImage. 2011; 54(1):635-644.  
  4. Dinas PC, Koutedakis Y, Flouris AD. Effects of exercise and physical activity on depression. IR J Med Sci. 2011; 180(2):319-325.
  5. Mikkelsen, Kathleen et al. (2017) Exercise and mental health. Maturitas. 106:48-56.  
  6. Peluso, Marco Aurélio Monteiro, & Andrade, Laura Helena Silveira Guerra de. (2005). Physical activity and mental health: the association between exercise and mood. Clinics, 60(1), 61-70.
  7. Smith JC. Effects of Emotional Exposure on State Anxiety after Acute Exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2013;45(2):372-378.
  8. Eby GA, Eby KL. Rapid recovery from major depression using magnesium treatment. Med Hypotheses. 2006;67(2):362-70.
  9. Shi LH, Balakrishnan K, et al. Beneficial Properties of Probiotics. Trop Life Sci Res. 2016;27(2):73-90. doi:
  10. Lakhan SE, Kirchgessner A. Gut inflammation in chronic fatigue syndrome. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2010; 7:79.
  11. Fedoce ADG, Ferreira F, et al. The role of oxidative stress in anxiety disorder: cause or consequence? Free Radic Res. 2018;52(7):737-750.