Natural Solutions for SIBO and SIFO
Most people know that an issue called small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO) is associated with gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, excess gas, belching, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, or constipation [1]. In the past few years, research has demonstrated that a similar health issue now referred to as small intestinal fungal overgrowth (SIFO) causes complications identical to SIBO [2].
SIFO is also described as the potential underlying cause of ongoing bowel issues for many unsuspecting individuals [1, 3]. This is an important finding because it may be the key to helping people pinpoint and address unexplained gastrointestinal (GI) difficulties.
Syntol and Floraphage are scientifically formulated supplements designed to target both SIBO and SIFO.
Syntol and Floraphage Support Microbiome Balance
Candida yeast and even low levels of bad bacteria typically coexist in the GI tract, particularly the large intestine, with other healthy organisms (e.g., probiotic bacteria). The small intestine is a harsher environment that is less favorable for bacteria and fungi. The coexistence of these organisms does not usually cause health problems.
However, factors such as taking certain medications (e.g., antibiotics, immunosuppressants, proton pump inhibitors), eating an excess of processed or sugary foods, a weak immune system, or a colectomy (colon surgery) may lead to SIBO or SIFO due to a microbiome imbalance [1-4]. If SIBO or SIFO develop, invaders can quickly spread throughout the gut and even begin to compromise immune cells [1-3].
Syntol and Floraphage boost the body’s natural defenses against these issues by promoting microbiome balance.
Syntol Benefits
Syntol is a prebiotic+probiotic blend with digestive enzymes that promotes the ideal GI environment for healthy microbiome balance. The beneficial formula contains 13.6 billion colony forming units (CFUs) of probiotic bacteria, including powerful strains that withstand harsh intestinal conditions (e.g., acidic stomach acid). This property helps probiotics thrive in the GI tract where they disrupt the overgrowth of harmful invaders [5, 6]. Additional probiotics in Syntol produce hydrogen peroxide that destroys the cell wall of excessive yeast (Candida fungus) or bacteria to promote their removal from the body [5, 7].
To enhance the cleansing of harmful yeast and bacteria from the body, Syntol’s formulation also contains a blend of digestive enzymes that break down the protective protein shell and the inner components of invaders linked to SIBO and SIFO [8, 9]. By targeting pathways that are linked to microbiome imbalance, the body can easily begin to rejuvenate.
Floraphage Prebiotic Phage Support
Floraphage is a proprietary blend of prebiotic multipliers that help turn harmful invaders into prebiotic nutrients that nourish beneficial bacteria (probiotics). Similar to the probiotic and enzyme blend in Syntol, the prebiotic multipliers in Floraphage destroy the cell wall of bad bacteria and Candida yeast (fungus). This process releases molecules that good bacteria use as food and also frees space for the optimal growth of healthy organisms in the gut [10]. In doing so, the power of Floraphage enhances the body’s ability to recycle harmful invaders into prebiotics.
The prebiotic multipliers also help boost immune system function by heightening the production of antibodies that target destructive agents [11]. Together, Syntol and Floraphage provide key components that optimize health by lowering the risk of SIBO and SIFO.
More importantly, taking Syntol and Floraphage regularly encourages a balanced microbiome no matter what type of invader the body is exposed to. Testing is essential to properly identify SIFO or SIBO, but if either is suspected, servings of both nutritional supplements can be increased for extra support to combat invader overgrowth.
Long-term health is within reach by taking nutritional supplements formulated with scientifically-proven ingredients that are gentle on the GI tract, yet tough on destructive invaders.
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