The Effectiveness of Devigest on Indigestion
Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia, is a common term used by both doctors and patients to describe having some sort of gastrointestinal tract irregularity. Usual symptoms described by those who suffer from indigestion are a feeling of:
- Fullness, and Distention
- Stomach Discomfort
- Rumbling or Cramping
- Abdominal Bloating or Rumbling
- Flatulence and or belching
- and sometimes Nausea
All of which typically occur shortly after eating a meal.
Causes of Indigestion
The most common causes of indigestion are eating too much or too quickly. When an abundance of air is taken in while eating, it can cause the belching, bloating and fullness which is usually associated with the condition [1]. High-fat foods, stress, smoking, excess alcohol use and some medications can also act as a major trigger for indigestion by irritating the stomach lining [2].
There are some indigestion sufferers that have ongoing symptoms that are not caused by any of these factors, which are called non-ulcer or functional indigestion. Their condition is related to how their consumed food moves through their digestive tract, rather than from the actual food they are consuming.
Many people confuse indigestion with heartburn, but they are actually two different conditions. Heartburn, which has symptoms more focused on a burning sensation toward the neck, base of throat or in the chest is normally caused by low stomach acidity, which in turn affects the body’s ability to absorb nutrients and digest food properly.

How to Address Indigestion
Since indigestion is a symptomatic condition and not an actual disease, treatment usually depends on what is causing the sufferers indigestion and the severity and longevity of their symptoms. Many patients do not need medical attention and can usually help their symptoms with simple lifestyle changes [3], such as avoiding trigger foods, eating meals more slowly and cutting back on smoking, alcohol and late-night eating [4]. Some indigestion sufferers turn to antacids looking for some relief, but antacids usually do not help since antacids treat excess stomach acid and heartburn, not indigestion.
For those with more severe symptoms of indigestion that occur frequently, a physician may prescribe medication that will help with daily stomach function. Patients who choose a more natural and holistic approach often rely on herbal and enzyme supplements instead [5,6].

Devigest The Ultimate Digestive Enzyme
Devigest is a concentrated combination of more than 17 concentrated digestive enzymes and other active ingredients that can help when the body’s levels of digestive enzymes are too low. The digestive enzymes bromelain, protease, dipeptidyl, alpha galactosidase, lipase, glucoamylase, lactase, cellulose, xylanase, papain, hemicellulase are included to aid the digestion of proteins, starches, sugars, fats, complex carbohydrates, plant materials, milk, gluten and even food dyes and preservatives. These effectively break down all types of foods and can help stop the cause of indigestion while the probiotic B. subtilis in turn helps restore a balanced gastrointestinal tract.
Importantly, Devigest helps in breaking down products such as dairy and gluten, common foods and ingredients that are the source of indigestion for many people [7-9]. Plus, the proven track record of many of the ingredients is further proof of the effectiveness of this powerful blend. In one clinical study, a supplement containing bromelain and bicarbonate—two of the ingredients in Devigest—relieved the symptoms of indigestion in 68% of patients [10]. In another study, a blend of four of the digestive enzymes found in Devigest was 90% effective at eliminating or reducing loss of appetite, abdominal distension, belching, diarrhea, abdominal pain and heartburn in indigestion patients [11]. Devigest also contains alpha galactosidase (the active ingredient in the product Beano®), which has been shown to greatly aid those indigestion patients that eat a healthy diet of beans, peas, leafy greens and vegetables [12].
The Devigest Difference
Unlike other digestive supplements, the unique blend Devigest contains a broader range of over 17 concentrated digestive enzymes and active ingredients, enabling customers to use only one pill before meals instead of several different ones. Clinical tests have shown no known side effects while taking Devigest. Studies with patients consuming large amounts of the enzyme supplement showed it to be non-toxic.
While most people will experience symptoms of indigestion at some point throughout their life, there are those who will suffer from the condition on a daily basis. For those who have chronic symptoms and are looking for effective relief, Devigest is a great alternative to medications.
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