Systemic Enzymes Create a Superior Immune System
Individuals are exposed to a variety of substances on a daily basis, from the foods we eat, to the household and hygienic products we use, to environmental agents. This constant exposure can cause the bloodstream to become overloaded with allergens, inflammatory agents (e.g., bacteria, fungi, antigens), undigested food, and even fibrin, which is a blood clot-forming protein. The buildup of these types of substances can put a strain on the immune system and subsequently lead to the increased production of pro-inflammatory proteins that can worsen pain or discomfort, make it harder to recover, and cause immune hypersensitivity [1]. Certain remedies may cause side effects and even weaken the immune response by design (such as allergy and arthritis medications), while others can target harmful invaders, promote cleansing and detoxification, and strengthen the immune system.
One beneficial range of natural remedies are proteolytic enzymes that can support a healthy immune and inflammatory response. Beneficial proteolytic enzymes include serratiopeptidase, nattokinase, protease, papain, and bromelain. These enzymes support the complete digestion of proteins from foods, and certain other circulating protein particles [2-7]. They may also even help cleanse the body of harmful toxins and microorganisms [5-7].
The excessive buildup of undigested food (e.g., sugars, fats, proteins, etc.), toxins, fibrin, and infectious agents can cause them to be transferred to the large intestines or bloodstream where antibodies attach to them and create what are known as circulating immune complexes (CICs). Antibodies bind to undigested food particles and other harmful substances as a means of signaling the immune system to increase the production of white blood cells that can seek out and destroy CICs.
The human body needs food (macronutrients) for energy, growth and repair and to keep warm. We need many nutrients on a daily basis in order to stay healthy. The three main nutrient groups in food are carbohydrates, protein and fats. A normal digestive system can quickly convert macronutrients into micronutrients like amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. A less than optimal digestive system may not properly convert foods into nutrients, and may lead to a condition known as leaky gut (LG). With LG our partially digested foods may enter the circulatory system and begin to decompose into CIC’s. However, high levels of CICs put a strain on the immune system and reduce its ability to fight off other infectious agents. Accordingly, CICs are linked to the onset of various complications [8]. More specifically, the accumulation of CICs may cause abnormal cortisol levels as well as chronic systemic inflammation that is associated with the onset of cardiovascular, blood sugar, memory and even metabolic issues [9-15].
Serratiopeptidase (also known as serrapeptase) and nattokinase, in particular, target substances that cause fluid and dead tissue accumulation. By supporting the normal breakdown of these supstances, rapid drainage and cleansing may be experienced. This process in theory may speed up recovery times [2, 3]. In addition, serrapeptase disrupts the formation of certain immune stimulating proteins[3]. Enzymes such as nattokinase, papain, bromelain, and protease work in a similar manner [2, 4-6]. These enzymes demonstrate the ability to promote normal levels of these circulating toxins and other substances that stimulate an immune response [2-8]. Therefore, regularly taking proteolytic enzymes is an optimal way to safeguard your body against occasional discomfort and a weakened immune system.
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